Place the cursor over each book, article or study to consult it if it is available.


Book Chapters:

Study Cases:

  • Alonso M. Molero V, INFORME DE CONTENIDOS DEL OBSERVATORIO DE MARKETING 2009. Editorial Complutense.
  • Alonso M. Molero V, OBSERVATORIO DE MARKETING 2010. Editorial Complutense.

Congresses and Presentations

  • AEMARK Palma de Mallorca (2012).   
  • AEMARK Barcelona (2013).
  • International Conference on Economics and Marketing Management. Barcelona (2016)
  • International Conference on Economics and Marketing. Madrid (2016)
  • International Conference on Business, Economics, Marketing and Management Boston (2016)
  • Marketing Trends Madrid (2017)
  • CUICIID. Congreso Universitario Internacional sobre contenidos, innovación, investigación y docencia (2020)